What did you do on your 510 today?

General Discussion about the Datsun PL510
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by bertvorgon »

Hey Rheis,

So good to see you still have the 510 and are lurking about! You have no idea how funny your post is to me today.

Last night, I was going through some of the drive videos we did back in 2008, 2009, where your car had the broken oil sender issue, and then the wonderful drive to the Interior and the old Alexandra Bridge.

Those were such fun times!

Take care,

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"Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty" - Peter Egan

Keith Law
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by Benzo »

Haven't been on here much but lately been into wheels and cleaning up and polishing lips on them. Here's pics of some SSR MK3's I had been sitting on.
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by Benzo »

Here's some other pics of some SSR MK2's I had in storage that I cleaned up and polished the lips.
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by Benzo »

Did a at home media blast and powder coat of the splash shield
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by bertvorgon »

Morning World!

As I sit here this morning, with hot coffee in hand and warm house, it is -15C ( 2F), we must be thankful, as I think about our homeless population here in B.C.. It is blowing like crazy, NE wind really strong and with the extreme cold, the ocean has that amazing mist that comes up.I think it is supposed to be a week of this, warming as we head into next week.

Anyhow, I have finally had time to actually look at my engine build sheets and started the car a few days ago. I have put a light in the engine bay and a work light inside, so I hope to keep it above freezing. It's a pain in the ass to hook up this dryer pipe, which lasted all of a minute once the car got hot and vibration fatigued it and it broke at the pipe exit. I guess I need to bite the bullet on proper garage exhaust hose, WOW is it expensive.

Engine started fine, is was 6C (44F) in the garage. I let it hit 200F on the water, turned on fans, down to 170 and then back to 200, did that twice and shut off at 190 to heat soak things.

Andy put some nice bits in the motor, sure looking forward to getting fresh fuel in there in the spring and then setting the boost again. I hope to run 14 PSI again...WITH the greater compression.

I will begin the tire search later in the spring when I get close to insuring the car.

Andy has the Datsun 1000 all apart, doing a great resto in many ways, and, freshening up the Colt 1600 motor in it. Will be a nice, rare little car when done. The owner sure wants to come on some of our drives. Andy built this car back in the 80's and it has sat since then, with the original owners son now getting at it. Andy put a wagon diff in it with a posi.

Stay warm everybody!!!!
out my window this morning.jpeg
out my window this morning.jpeg (336.7 KiB) Viewed 2568 times
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"Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty" - Peter Egan

Keith Law
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by bertvorgon »

Went and checked out car during the -15 temperatures a few days ago.

Light bulb in engine bay kept it above freezing...37 - 39 F. and the interior of the car was 51 F.

I hope that's it for cold weather.
"Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty" - Peter Egan

Keith Law
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?


We have about one foot (30cm) of snow in Abbotsford and it is still snowing now at 12:30 pm.
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by gooned »

I spent 3hrs moving our 14” of snow this afternoon, so happy the old Ford 3cyl tractor started…I’m too far gone to shovel the whole driveway.
Another week of “winter” before we get real temps again.
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by WxMan »

It gets better. You've got hours of freezing rain to look forward to this afternoon and overnight! On the bright side you should be seeing non freezing liquid precipitation again by tomorrow afternoon.
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by 510rob »

back to good old "atmospheric river" mode
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by bertvorgon »

Morning World!

Nothing exciting to report today, I did order a proper rubber garage exhaust hose
for starting the 510. Tired of the crappy aluminum ducting, given it was never designed for this
type of service duty.

Next engine fire up will be last week of January.

I looked at the cost of constantly getting new ones and figured long term just cheaper to buy the rubber hose, which was not cheap.

Temps are up again so our cold weather has passed for now, 6 C on my porch. Snow is pretty much gone here, need to blast my Honda at the spray and wash, once that salt has washed away.
"Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty" - Peter Egan

Keith Law
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by Benzo »

Two part update

Was driving the wagon and got on it on the freeway. Backed off and was cruising when suddenly the rpm's did a quick bounce and the car shook. Lucky was near home so got off the freeway and headed back and pulled the wagon in the garage. Checking stuff and could hear a whistling/whine noise and then the car died and no power and couldn't start. I could smell burning so looked and didn't see anything but suspected the fusible link so i checked it for continuity and none. I had a spare so I replaced it but when I attached the battery cable it got bright red so I disconnected the battery but too late it burned up the replacement link. I was thinking what was the issue and thought maybe my alt was bad and the whining was the final leg of it going out. I spoke to my brother who's better with electrical and he said he thought the same and said disconnect the alt and put another link in and if it doesn't blow and car starts the alt is bad. I did so and the car started. Called around and was looking to have my original rebuilt but the shop I used to deal with closed up and all other shops are far away so I called parts stores and ended up going to O'Reilly's to order one. Wasn't too expensive at 74.00 and a 15 dollar core. Took out the old one and noticed I had been missing one mount bolt so found a replacement and cleaned up the area and under the car. It came in the next day but I didn't have a car so a day later rode my bike to the store to pick it up and get a belt. Went home and had to adjust the sleeve on the mounting bracket so it can slide onto the mount and everything lined up but one thing was the body was ever so slightly bigger that it kept me from pushing it against the motor more to fit the belt so had to go back out to the store to get a longer belt. Got it installed and everything locked down, put my final spare fusible link and crossed my fingers and connected the battery and all was good. Turned on the ignition and started the car and all good! Checked charging and put load on it and all is correct. Going to keep my old alt and get it rebuilt to keep as a spare but looking to upgrade to get rid of the fusible link so ordered and waiting on parts and my brother is going to wire it up to modernize that portion of the car. Take away from this were glad I had spare links, Links are old style but did its job but maybe time to upgraded/modernize. Should've been slick as I knew from past experience and should've bought multiple belt sizes to save me the trip and also I had been hearing the whistling noise and finally it made sense that the alternator may have been slowly failing and finally went out. Just happy the wagon is back up and running

Upgraded the Fusible link to a MIDI fuse (9.99 and comes with a spare fuse) and is working.

Picked up some Scotch Brite Red (7447) to test to see if it cleans up aluminum for polishing and it helps/works. Got rid of the haziness in polishing and a more even finish. Here is a before and after pic of the wheel. Feel good about it and installed new hardware and ready for a tire.
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by 510rob »

Arrgh! A nice clean fresh alternator though, so that is nice!
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by Benzo »

510rob wrote: 24 Jan 2024 16:03 Arrgh! A nice clean fresh alternator though, so that is nice!
Indeed! Freshens things up.
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by Benzo »

Had a spare valve cover and wanted to try the VHT wrinkle finish paint and it works. Used a bucket with hot water and soap and water and simple green to clean. Hear a turkey fryer or propane stove with a pot of hot water works good too. The instructions were pretty clear. Mainly clean well and scuff surface with Scotch Brite red pad and clean and spray three coats resting in between coats and then let sit at least overnight. Also put in the oven to cure but probably can use a heat lamp or heat gun. I used vaseline and old bolts to mask off highlighted areas and it worked. Did have to use a razor blade, small scraper and rag to clean up a bit. Made a small sanding block to clean off highlighted areas and polish. Here are some before and after pics.
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