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The Club e-mail List

Posted: 03 Jul 2003 00:30
by rnorrish
The e-mail list is to be used as a tool for the 510 Club of BC.

It will be used for posting club activites, events, and other club information. It is not for SPAM, classified ads, personals, or anything else you wouldn't want in your Inbox. The list is to be used by anyone interested or involved in the Club, it's activites and events. Just a note, members and new posts are moderated.

It was started to keep people, members or potential ones, more up-to-date with the goings on. We welcome anyone interested, but please remember that this was started to keep people informed of the 510 Club of BC events, not for posting tech Q's or ads. There are lots of lists for this purpose, as well as this web forum. Thank you for your interest!

Click to Join!

There are currently 31 members, ranging from Van Islanders keeping up on things, to lurkers in California. There has been over 1000 emails since December 2000 when it started, and usually averages 40/month.

Thank you,

Richard Norrish
Registrar, The 510 Club of BC